Thank you for your interest in our TRIO Student Support Services program!  Please complete the short application below and we will get you connected to our coaches and 24/7 tutoring service. If you have any questions, please email Athena at We look forward to supporting your success at WCC!

Primary Name (name you go by)
Legal First Name *
Full Middle Name (not an initial) *
Legal Last Name *
Date of Birth: *
WCC Student ID Number *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Race, American Indian or Alaskan Native *
Race, Asian *
Race, Black or African American *
Race, Hawaiian or other Native to Pacific Island *
Race, Hispanic *
Race, White *
Has either of your parents completed a Bachelor's Degree? Yes or No *
What is your academic major (for example, nursing, computer science, undecided, etc.)? *
What are your career goals?
Do you have a high school diploma or GED? Yes or No *
Have you completed a college Associate or Bachelor degree? Yes or No *
Do you have a documented disability? Yes or No *
Do you plan to complete an Associate degree at WCC? Yes or No *
Do you plan to complete a Bachelor's Degree at WCC or at a 4-year university? Yes or No *
Gender Identity
Sex Assigned at Birth *